Don't forget to get your Swagbucks from the Special Offers EVERYDAY. If your not a member, go HERE to sign up. Then go to the home page and click on Special Offers under Quick Links. Then click on No Obligation Offers, (hint...its the big blue box). You do NOT have to sign up for the offers. Just scroll towards the bottom until you see the SKIP button. Once you've skipped through 4 or 5 of the offers, you will automatically receive your swagbucks. I've received some for 2 Swagbucks and some for 3 Swagbucks. Now go get yours!
Remember you can earn a $5 Amazon e-gift card with only 450 swagbucks! And don't forget to do some searches too!
Might want to change 45 to 450 in your post above.
ReplyDeleteoops! Fixed it! Thanks!